Pride and Joy

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Pride and Joy

This song is a Father-Daughter Wedding Song.  It's debut was at my daughters' wedding.  This song is my MASTERPIECE.  Not because I'm a great singer or guitarist, which I'm not.  But because of the love I have for my daughter and how it is expressed in the song.  I think the lyrics express perfectly how a father feels about his little girl,  and if he is a good father, he will put his child's needs before his own.

The King of Limbo

The song is about letting go and trusting that their new husband will take care of them the way you did. You know in your heart that someday that day will come. And it is happy and sad at the same time. The line," I never thought I was special, till you came along", has a deep meaning for me. My life would be a void, or incomplete without her in it.

The King of LimboThe King of Limbo

     This song was a surprise.  I mean that, no one else had heard the song.  My daughter and I picked a song for our dance and I had to secretly slip the disc to the DJ telling him to play it in the place of the other song.  I took a big risk, because this would not be the best event to fail at.  The response that I received was overwhelmingly emotional, in a good way!  Even the lady photographer said it was "awesome",  and she had no emotional attachment to the event.

The King of Limbo

     The recording you hear was done in one take.  I had to drink a Coors, (tall boy), to calm my nerves.  But 5 minutes later the song was done.  The line, " forever in love you will be", was inserted later because in the original recording my son-in-laws name was in the song.   I deleted his name so anyone could use this song at their daughter's wedding..
The King of Limbo
         This song is for all good parents with daughters.  I hope you enjoy!!!

The King of Limbo

The King of Limbo