Pride and Joy
This song is a Father-Daughter Wedding Song. It's debut was at my daughters' wedding. This song is my MASTERPIECE. Not because I'm a great singer or guitarist, which I'm not. But because of the love I have for my daughter and how it is expressed in the song. I think the lyrics express perfectly how a father feels about his little girl, and if he is a good father, he will put his child's needs before his own. Home Free
The title has two different meanings. America is our Home and many people gave their lives to make it Free. The second meaning is about getting back to the States after a long deployment, or in my case, a seven month Wes-PAC tour. You are Home Free! (get it!). This song I dedicate to all our servicemen and women. And also to the people who gave their lives, and their families. Thank you for all you do and the sacrifices you make to keep us safe and free. (Home Free). Every Day's Dreams
In stories that move deftly from the magical to the mundane, the simple to the surreal, the King of Limbo showcases a mature talent that calls to mind such greats as Alice Munro and Andre Dubus. Here are drifters, waitresses, horse trainers, housewives, a Nigerian foreign exchange student, a fisherman's wife, a cat with a cause. Blending magical realism and a pitch-perfect ear for the expressions of the human heart, Adrianne Harun presents a cast of unforgettable characters caught in limbo between their reality and their dreams. So Carefully
his song is a duet for a man and lady. It's short and to the point. It's about true love and staying together through all the rough parts of your relationship. In the beginning of the song, the man is starting to lose his popularity. His lady is there to remind him of his downfall, but her love for him helps him get through it. It's God's Plan
I wrote this song for the St. Jude Children's Hospital. The purpose was for them to use this song to raise money for the hospital. (A Donation). This was a difficult song to write. I wanted to console the Parents, without sounding like I was giving them advice. But at the same time I wanted to raise awareness and appeal to the public for donations. I also know what alot of people are thinking when they read the Title," It's Gods' Plan". What sort of horrible plan is it for a child to be stricken with a life threatening disease. My answer is; is that God does not cause awful things to happen to us in this life, but He is there with us to help us get through the painful things. Drunk and Stupid
The title of this song is not in the song. It is just the best description of the song! This song is my version of a country satire. It's funny and serious at the same time. It was really fun to write. If you spend any time at the local pub, there is usually a couple just like the one described in this song. That couple that should have got married a long time ago, but neither one wants the commitment of living together or being tied down. (especially the man,! right ladies?!) . The guy who is very jealous and has a volatile temper. The lady who loves to flirt,(and drink!), and has a lot of male friends. |